The Daily Dizzymud Gazette

Thursday, 29 July 2004


Aayrez has attained level 15 to 22!
Azariel has attained level 46!
Carbon has attained level 11 to 15!
KelTherac has attained level 2 to 5!
Miharu has attained level 20!
Quark has attained level 53!
Rayne has attained level 66!
Terry has attained level 45!
Vos has attained level 11 to 25!

Player kills by mobiles

Carbon has been killed by A Demon knight.
Poale has been killed by the screaming, filthy harpy.

Best of the day:

Best Leveler todayVos with 15 levels!
Most mob-killed player todayPoale with 1 deaths!
Most killed player todayPoale with 1 deaths!
Most victorious mobile todaythe screaming, filthy harpy with 1 kills!

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